Quantum Mechanics, Hidden Jazz, and Intuitive Cooking

It’s been a while since the last newsletter so here are some bonus recommendations just for you.

Here’s a book that I can’t get enough of.

The Every by Dave Eggers- This book is the second in the series. The first novel, The Circle, was turned into an (okay) movie with Tom Hanks and Emma Watson. In the Every, Dave Eggers imagines a not too distant future where Amazon and Apple converge and create a super conglomerate. It’s prescient and has been an enthralling experience as my nightly fiction read. Reality is truly stranger than fiction.

Here’s music that I’ve been listening to consistently.

Ahmad Jamal At The Pershing: But Not For MeI’ve recently picked back up jazz drum lessons after almost a decade of hiatus. Huge shoutout to my instructor, Sam Graff, for the music recommendation. I can’t believe that I’ve never heard this beautiful live performance recording from 1958. I’d recommend starting with Surrey With The Fringe On Top for a blazing and upbeat ride. For something a little more laid back, check out, What’s New.

Here’s the cooking course that’s spiced up my weekly recipes.

Roy Choi’s Masterclass on Intuitive Cooking- I loved this masterclass! It’s laugh out loud funny, introduced me to Korean spice (Gochugaru), and has filled my fridge with four delicious staple sauces that I now use on most dishes. Thank you for this gem. Click Here if you want to check it out for free with your 14 day guest pass.

My favorite article from this month.

Web of Relations by Packy McCormickThis insightful post introduced me to the work of Carlo Rovelli. His perspectives on time and his explanation of the theories of quantum physics have the capacity to change the way you look at the world around you. Here’s just one of many mind-bending quotes.

“The fact that we live at the bottom of a deep gravity well, on the surface of a gas-covered planet going around a nuclear fireball 90 million miles away, and think this to be normal, is obviously some indication of how skewed our perspective tends to be.”

-Carlo Rovelli

Without further ado, let’s dive right into the regularly scheduled programming.

  1. Fitness- After over three months of training with our new Whealth Strength & Conditioning Program, I saw an average of 15% increase on all of my major lifts. More importantly, I’ve been feeling incredible. If you want to try out a small section from one of the workouts, check out one of my recent posts here.

  2. Nutrition- I’m currently three months into practicing intermittent fasting daily. My energy is at peak levels. My morning workflow is filled with focus. I’m hooked. After slowly shortening my eating window, I’m currently at 16 hours of fasting each day. Next month I transition to 17 and 18 hours each day. You can learn more from a recent blog post I wrote on the subject related to Aging, here.

  3. Recovery- A few months back we invested in a few high-quality pillows from Casper. My sleep has dramatically improved since this change. You can check them out here.

  4. Business- As remote work practices continue to deepen, it can be difficult to communicate clearly with others on your team. Slack messages flow. Loom videos stream. Audio messages drone. Burnout abounds. A whole new level recently released a podcast that dove deep into work communication with David Perell and it’s helped me better select my method of communication. Here’s the link to A Deep Dive into Written Communications.

  5. Question for You- What relationships do you want to strengthen this upcoming week?

In Health,



Intermittent Fasting and 5 Types Explained


The Essential Guide to Aging